Clinical Psychology

At Bridge Center our clients, will discover a systematic psychological approach to healing and aligning with themselves regardless of their insecurities.

Whether you or your loved ones suffer from insecurities, such as getting worried all the time, demonstrating changes in the sleep patterns, isolating yourself, withdrawing yourself from your favorite activities, you will definitely receive the help you need from our trusted psychology department.

At Bridge Center, we offer comprehensive psychology services appropriate for adults, couples and families. We also provide thorough assessments, counseling, and therapy services in order to address each pupil’s case and cater for their needs. By assessment we mean that our therapists will confidentially conduct:

  • thorough interviews to learn more about your difficulties.
  • clinical observations.
  • administration procedures of the latest standardized tests.

All assessments are documented in a report and communicated in a feedback meeting that is confidential in nature.

A treatment plan will be formulated in order to help you decrease your symptoms and cope with your difficulties.